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Classes Available On Demand

Over 50 Virtual On Demand Classes to chose from
& fresh content being added all the time!

Instructions to access On Demand Library:

  • Create an account or sign in

  • Click Instructors and search K10 Fitness (Be sure to add the space!)

  • Scroll full Virtual On Demand Library

  • Purchase packages or monthly membership (Click packages)

  • Let me know if anything doesn’t work so we can get it fixed and get you movin’!

  • Monthly Membership

    A monthly membership gets you access to the entire K10 Fitness Virtual On Demand Library and any live classes offered. It auto-renews monthly.


  • 5 Class Package

    5 Class Package gets you access to the entire K10 Fitness Virtual On Demand Library and any live classes offered.


  • 10 Class Package

    10 class package can be used to access the entire K10 Fitness Virtual On Demand library and any live classes offered.


  • 20 Class Package

    20 Class Package gets you access to the ENTIRE K10 Fitness Virtual On Demand Library and any live classes offered.


Client Testimonials

Join me for a Class

Join me for a guided workout On Demand through Recess.tv.